It Is A Big One!
Just celebrating 75 years of life! It is hard to realize I can be that old! But here I am. Extremely blessed and thankful! Are there things I would change if I could? Certainly!
But am I amazed at God’s goodness and faithfulness? Definitely! Beyond words!
I always say that through all the places we had the privilege to live and serve; and among all the amazing people God brought into our lives, I learned more than I ever taught. I learned so much about God’s ways, community, and love.
Paul in his letter to the Colossians wrote to them in 4:12 that Epaphras who evidently was from Colossi was “always striving for them in prayer that they would stand complete and fully assured in all the will of God.” I love this! The Passion Translation says, “his prayers are filled with requests to God that you would grow and mature, standing complete and perfect in the beauty of God’s plan for your lives.”
My husband, Bob, often taught from 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 about the many members of the Body of Christ. It talks there about the ear, the eye, the head, the hands, the feet, etc. One day I asked him what part he thought I was in the Body of Christ. He immediately answered, “you are a knee.” I was surprised and did not expect that! But after some thought, I realized that he was right. My part in the Body of Christ involves prayer so that is where the knee fits in. I see my part as prayer and encouragement for those in my family and all those God has blessed me to have in my life along the way. All those I rub shoulders with daily and all those who He brings to mind that I have known over the years in all the various places we have lived and visited. It is not just names that come to mind but also amazing faces as I think of different one. What a blessing! What a privilege!
Years before we moved overseas, my sister gave me a sugar and creamer set that had the Scripture on it from Genesis 12:3 “All families of the earth be blessed.” That always stirred my heart and still does when I see it. It is a prayer. I know my family has been blessed to be a blessing. I know that I have missed it lots of times throughout my life but that does not disannul the promise or the purpose. We all have rough spots in life but that does not change the objective or the goal. When we are young, we have lots of questions about our future. Now looking back from my vantagepoint, I see where God was working in every step along the way. So, I pray and encourage you as Epaphras did for the people of Colossi to “stand being fully assured in all the will of God.”
Holy Spirit leads each of us on some wild adventures, but He is leading, and we are to follow. Sometimes it takes courage to step out and stand up but be assured that Jesus never fails.
Can you sense God’s leading in your life?
Are you able to see how God has blessed and lead you in the past?